We are joined by @MirandaJanell to celebrate our 100th episode. We play soundbites people have sent us to celebrate this milestone. We also cover some short news stories.
Soundclips include:
Marilyn Ghigliotti, @ThatClerksGirl
Netheads, @neatheadsonair
Eddie Brill, @eddie_brill
Lovina Yavari, @DreamingofZi0n
Kevin Bartini, @kevinbartini
Adam Lash, @theadamlash
Carlos Rodriguez, @carloscomedy
Red sun revival, @rsrband
Steve McGrew, @stevemcgrew
SLS Cast, Matt & Tim @TheSLSCast
Let's chat podcast, Chris Revill @LetsChatPodcast
MMK, @movieknightspod
Jim Browning, @revelstokejim
capergirlmel, @capergirlmel
Johnny Whitetrash @availableinadhd
indie Mac user @indiemacuser
Rich Vos, @richvos
Dave image used with permission, courtesy of @ThatFrakkingCat
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