
Monday, October 26, 2015

Episode 101: Eddie Brill - Suck It Santa!

Eddie Brill is back and he proceeds to be motivational as hell. We cover tons of great topics like Christopher Columbus, Copyright, Music, Donald Trump, David Letterman and of course Christmas specials. After all it's october.

Dave image used with permission, courtesy of @ThatFrakkingCat

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Monday, October 19, 2015

Episode 100: Most awkward anniversary

We are joined by @MirandaJanell to celebrate our 100th episode. We play soundbites people have sent us to celebrate this milestone. We also cover some short news stories.

Soundclips include:
Marilyn Ghigliotti, @ThatClerksGirl
Netheads, @neatheadsonair
Eddie Brill, @eddie_brill
Lovina Yavari, @DreamingofZi0n
Kevin Bartini, @kevinbartini
Adam Lash, @theadamlash
Carlos Rodriguez, @carloscomedy
Red sun revival, @rsrband
Steve McGrew, @stevemcgrew
SLS Cast,  Matt & Tim @TheSLSCast
Let's chat podcast, Chris Revill @LetsChatPodcast
MMK, @movieknightspod
Jim Browning, @revelstokejim
capergirlmel, @capergirlmel
Johnny Whitetrash @availableinadhd
indie Mac user @indiemacuser
Rich Vos, @richvos

Dave image used with permission, courtesy of @ThatFrakkingCat

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Monday, October 12, 2015

Episode 99: Steve McGrew - The Minivan

After losing our first recording with Steve, he found the time to join us for a second attempt. We cover topics from all walks of life and have fun doing so. Even our intern Strokeface makes an appearance. If you ever wanted to know what Steve does behind closed doors then this is the episode you don’t wanna miss. 

Dave image used with permission, courtesy of @ThatFrakkingCat

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Monday, October 5, 2015

Episode 98: He was air jerking

In this 2-hour episode we talk about a bunch of topics. At least after Rafael is done talking for an hour straight, we do. Topics may include: A trip to Tallinn, band called „The Red Paintings”, Canadian cops, shades of green and Finland's „KKK“-fraction.

Dave image used with permission, courtesy of @ThatFrakkingCat

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